Friday, February 1, 2013

What Makes Simcity a Great Game Part 2

As a mayor you'll obtain your revenue from three types of taxes: residential, industrial, and commercial (RCI) We don't yet know what's the highest tax rate that can possibly be imposed within this version of SimCity. We do know SimCity 4 allowed raising taxes up to twenty percent. But don't! This will eventually bankrupt your city.

One of the things you learn in SimCity  is to balance a budget with responsible/reasonable policies. You can have an even 8% tax rate on RCI sectors, or even a 12% (depends on your city's education, land values, desirability) tax rate. Sometimes you might need to raise a buck temporarily to cover your budget costs, but don't push it because you might encounter many abandoned buildings, and your budget will go further on the red. You might as well reduce costs. Your budget  window is the place where you can glance overspending and start making cuts.... Maybe the policemen don't need so much donuts. :)

If you decide to subsidize your residents, reducing their residential tax, you'll have to raise commercial or industrial taxes, or both. If you have an educated workforce, industries won't mind paying a little more in taxes. If your residents have high income, it will still be attractive for commercial or office development.   So your tax policy really depends on what is your goal as a city, and whats your specialization strategy (I would call it like that), but don't go overboard distorting the economy. Overboard policies are never good. Large deficits are unsustainable.